第6届麻坡少年儿童 钢琴比赛

初赛:2024年6月15日(六) 决赛:2024年9月14日(六)

简章 Brief

1. 宗旨 鼓励青少年精进钢琴技术,互相观摩交流。推动南马区的艺文活动。
2. 分组 7岁及以下儿童组、9岁及以下儿童组、11岁以下儿童组、13岁及以下儿童组、16岁及以下少年组、19岁及以下少年组。可往上越级参赛。曾获得金奖第一的选手不能再参加同一级别的比赛。
3. 资格 区域—身份证地址为Johor、Melaka、Negeri Sembilan或Pahang四个州属,抑或能提供在以上四个州属学校就读的证明者。19岁及以下组没有区域限制。
年龄 7岁及以下儿童组 9岁及以下儿童组 11岁及以下儿童组 13岁及以下儿童组 16岁及以下少年组 19岁及以下少年组
出生于年份 2017年或以后 2015年或以后 2013年或以后 2011年或以后 2008年或以后 2005年或以后
4. 赛制
初赛 参赛者完成线上报名手续后,将演奏视频发送到主办方邮箱。演奏视频不得做任何编辑。评审以演奏视频分出金、银、铜奖。
决赛 入选金奖的选手到麻坡中化中学演艺厅现场演奏,决出金奖第一名、第二名、第三名。
5. 评分 技巧45%,音乐性45%,难度5%,礼仪5%。多位评审,取平均分,评审的裁决为最终裁决。
6. 费用
组别 7岁组 9岁组 11岁组 13岁组 16岁组 19岁组
报名费 RM20 RM35 RM50 RM65 RM80 RM100
* 麻坡及东甲区选手在16岁及19岁组享有半价优惠
7. 报名 4月1日上午9时起可登录中化中学官网www.chhs.edu.my钢琴比赛线上报名系统填写资料同时上传缴费证明,报名截止日期为6月15日。报名后参赛者将在三个工作日内收到参赛编号,将比赛编号打印出来后于镜头前展示并拍摄比赛视频。
8. 上传 报名成功后上传视频(可上传至YouTube),发送到主办方邮箱piano@chhs.edu.my,截止日期为6月30日。演奏视频不得做任何编辑。同时附上参赛曲目完整的电子乐谱。(扫描或清晰的照片皆可)
9. 成绩 主办方将于8月14日公布成绩,入选金奖的选手须于9月14日到麻坡中化中学演艺厅现场比赛,现场公布成绩并颁奖。
10. 咨询 麻坡中化中学(06-9522632 ext 20)或 麻坡中化中学官网www.chhs.edu.my
1. Aim To encourage the development of piano skills in teenagers and promote art cultural movement in South Malaysia.
2. Categories Under 7, Under 9, Under 11,Under 13, Under 16, Under 19. Participants may participate in older age group categories. Those who used to win the First Prize are not allowed to participate the same category.
3. Qualifications District—Participants born in Johor, Malacca, or Negeri Sembilan and Pahang can be proven through the participants Identity Card / able to provide evidence of studying in schools of the mentioned Malaysian states. There are no regional restrictions for the category under 19.
Age Under 7 Kids Under 9 Kids Under 11 Kids Under 13 Kids Under 16 Youths Under 19 Youths
Born in Year 2017 or after 2015 or after 2013 or after 2011 or after 2008 or after 2005 or after
4. Rules and Regulations
Preliminary After completing the online registration process, participants are required to upload their performance videos and scanned copies of the competition songs to the registration website. The performance videos must not be edited in any way. Judging will be based on the performance videos to determine gold, silver, and bronze awards.
Final The Gold Prize winners from the preliminary round have to come to CHHS Muar Hall of Performing Arts for pursuing the First Gold, Second Gold and Third Gold.
5. Scoring Skills 45%,Musicality 45%,Difficulty 5%,Stage Manners 5%. The average score of the three judges will be taken as the score for the participants. All decisions made by the judges are final.
6. Registration fee
Group Under 7 Under 9 Under 11 Under 13 Under 16 Under 19
Fee RM20 RM35 RM50 RM65 RM80 RM100
Participants from Muar and Tangkak District will get a 50% discount of registration fee (for category 15 and 19 only)
7. How to register Starting from 9:00 AM on April 1st, participants can log in to the official website of Muar Chung Hwa High School (www.chhs.edu.my) to access the online registration system for the piano competition. They should fill out the required information and upload proof of payment. (Detailed payment instructions are provided in the system.) The registration deadline is June 15th. After registering, participants will receive a competition number. They should print out the competition number, display it in front of the camera, and record the competition video.
8. Upload After successful registration, participants should upload the recorded video's YouTube link and scanned copies of the sheet music to the registration website. The deadline for submission is June 30th. The performance video must not undergo any editing.
9. Results Results of the preliminary round will be announced on August 14th. Participants who receive the gold award must perform live in the Hall of Performing Arts of Muar Chung Hwa High School on September 14th for the finals. Results will be announced after competition, followed by the award ceremony.
10. Inquiry Chung Hwa High School Muar(06-9522632 ext. 20)or Chung Hwa High School Muar official website www.chhs.edu.my

比赛规则 Rules

组别 选曲规定 时长
7岁组 自选曲1首 *接受所有钢琴考试范围内的曲目 时长不超过3分钟
9岁组 自选曲1首 *接受所有钢琴考试范围内的曲目 时长不超过3分钟
11岁组 自选曲1首 *接受所有钢琴考试范围内的曲目 时长不超过4分钟
13岁组 自选曲1首 *接受所有钢琴考试范围内的曲目 时长不超过5分钟
16岁组 奏鸣曲Sonata或小奏鸣曲Sonatina快板乐章1首。 *必须是创作于1685-1985年间的钢琴曲 【初赛】--
19岁组 【初赛】奏鸣曲Sonata快板乐章1首。
*必须是创作于1685-1985年间的钢琴曲 【初赛】--
  1. 比赛不强制参赛者背谱,但只允许参赛者一人出镜,决赛时也只允许参赛者一人上台演奏。
  2. 决赛时若需要辅助踏板,请参赛者自行携带。
  3. 参赛者必须将参赛的视频与参赛曲的乐谱一起提交给主办方。
  4. 19岁组初赛与决赛不可选用同一首曲子。
Group Music selection rules Duration
Under 7 Category Fully perform an optional repertoire *All pieces from piano exams are allowed does not exceed 3 minutes
Under 9 Category Fully perform an optional repertoire *All pieces from piano exams are allowed does not exceed 3 minutes
Under 11 Category Fully perform an optional repertoire *All pieces from piano exams are allowed does not exceed 4 minutes
Under 13 Category Fully perform an optional repertoire *All pieces from piano exams are allowed does not exceed 5 minutes
Under 16 Category Fully perform a Sonata or Sonatina fast movement *All pieces presented must be composed during AD1685 – AD1985. 【Preliminary round】--
【Final】does not exceed 12 minutes
Under 19 Category 【Preliminary round】Fully perform a Sonata fast movement.
【Final】Fully perform an optional repertoire
*All pieces presented must be composed during AD1685 – AD1985. 【Preliminary round】--
【Final】does not exceed 15 minutes
  1. Participants are not required to memorize their score,However, only the participant is allowed to appear on the screen. Same rule applies for the Finals (only the participant is allowed to go on the stage).
  2. If the piano pedal extender is needed during the finals, participants are required to bring by themselves.
  3. Participants must submit their self-piano playing video and their own music score.
  4. 4. Those who participate Category Under 19 are strictly not allowed to choose the same repertoire during the Preliminary and Finals.
The regulations and rules are based on the Chinese version.

奖励 Award


组别 金奖第一名 金奖第二名 金奖第三名 金奖 银奖 铜奖
All categories
1x Trophy, 1x Certificate
Cash Prize
1x Trophy, 1x Certificate
Cash Prize
1x Trophy, 1x Certificate
Cash Prize
1x Trophy, 1x Certificate
Cash Prize
1x Digital Certificate
1x Digital Certificate
Under 7 Category
RM100 RM100 RM100 RM50 -- --
Under 9 Category
RM100 RM100 RM100 RM50 -- --
Under 11 Category
RM200 RM150 RM100 RM50 -- --
Under 13 Category
RM400 RM300 RM200 RM100 -- --
Under 16 Category
RM600 RM400 RM300 RM150 -- --
Under 19 Category
RM1200 RM900 RM600 RM300 -- --

大会顾问 Conference consultant



为国立台湾师范大学音乐音乐学士及国立台北艺术大学长笛硕士。曾任台湾长荣交响乐团长笛首席,15年职业交响乐团生涯中曾到澳洲悉尼歌剧院、北京国家大剧院、上海东方艺术中心与美国、英国、挪威、韩国、日本等国的各大城市演出。1994及1996年分別获得全柔钢琴比赛公开组第三及第二名。曾任多项大型音乐盛会要职,其中包括男高音多明哥台北万人音乐会乐团总监、长荣交响音乐营创办人、第三届麻坡表演艺术节总策划、台湾国际长笛音乐营及上海国际长笛音乐营导师、欧亚长笛协会马来西亚代表。现定居於柔佛新山,持续接受国际演出讲学邀請并担任Marlborough College Malaysia及宽柔中学长笛教师。

评审嘉宾简介 Introduction to the judges