基于首相宣布行动管制延长至 4 月 14 日。为了不耽误学习进度,学校关闭期间,校方会展开moodle教学的方案,请家长们督促孩子上中化官网或 moodle.chhs.edu.my,根据自己的年段主动学习,学生可使用手机学习,作业呈交的部分,请孩子自行询问相关的科目老师,谢谢!
Dear all the parents:
Based on the Prime Minister's announcement that Restricted Movement Order will be extended to April 14th. In order not to delay the learning progress, during the school shutdown, the school will launch a moodle teaching program. Parents are requested to urge your children to go to Chung Hwa official website or moodle.chhs.edu.my to take the initiative to learn according to their forms. Students can use mobile phones to study and do homework. As for homework submittion, children need to ask their subject teacher himself/herself, thank you!
校长室 启
Principal's Office