1. 活动前向联课处报备活动日期和时间。集合时间不得早于上午9点,
2. 活动当天到联课处领点名单、体温记录簿、体温枪和MySejah
3. 确认人员到齐并完成上述动作后须立即归还点名单、体温记录簿、
4. 大团练习(20人或以上)须有老师或教练在场。
5. 若非演奏乐器的需要或有剧烈的肢体活动,需全程佩戴口罩。
6. 活动时人与人保持最少一公尺的距离。不共用器械。
7. 用餐时食堂一张桌子只能坐三个人。
8. 假期学生只能停在学生停车区,校园内禁止停放,停车区闸门上午9
The SOP for Club Activities during School Holidays
1. Clubs that wish to have activities during the school holidays in March must inform the Co-curricular Department. Clubs must submit the date and time of their activities. Club Activities can only be held between 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
2. Club leaders are required to collect the attendance list, a thermometer, and the MySejahtera QR code from the Co-curricular Department before their activity.
3. All club members are required to record their body temperature and scan the MySejahtera QR code. Club leaders must return the attendance list, thermometer, and MySejahtera QR code immediately to the Co-curricular Department once they have completed the required tasks.
4. For group practices that exceeds 20 students, the presence of the club teacher or club instructor (coach) is required.
5. All club members must put on their mask throughout the activities except for musical instrument practice or sports practice.
6. All club members must maintain a distance of 1 meter during activities. Sharing of equipment between members is not allowed.
7. Only 3 people is allowed for each table in the canteen for lunch break.
8. During the school break, students are only allowed to park their cars in the student parking area. Students are not allowed to park their cars inside the school compound. The gate for the student parking area opens at 9.00 a.m. and closes at 3.30 p.m.